Experience the Atchafalaya

I mentioned in a previous post that the Friends of the Atchafalaya are planning to sponsor the return of Experience Atchafalaya Days, previously staged from 2002 to 2004 by the Atchafalaya Basin Program, the Sierra Club and the Atchafalaya Trace Commission. Some of you have already expressed interest in holding an affiliated event, and we will need help from many more volunteers before the project comes to pass.

I will write a lot more about EAD2009 and the web site at www.EAD2009.info will start to grow as we get closer to the October dates, but for now, i have posted a copy (download here) of the events page from the 2002 event and this Press Release from 2004 so you can get an idea of what others did in the early years. Don’t assume that these are the only valid events; they are just some examples. Chances are that anything that will introduce folks to the Basin can be made to work. Just be aware that you need to plan carefully and abide by all laws, best practices, and safety codes before you plan to take on a potentially dangerous event. That said, propose an event and we’ll see if we can help you make it happen, or put you in touch with someone else with a similar idea.
